Section II. Company Profile
I. Basic information of the Company
Stock abbreviation SKJA, SKJB Stock code 000016, 200016
Stock abbreviation after change (if
Stock exchange listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name of the Company 康佳集团股份有限公司
Abbr. of the Chinese name of the
English name of the Company (if any) KONKA GROUP CO.,LTD
Abbr. of the English name of the
Company (if any)
Legal representative of the Company Hou Songrong
Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province,
Registered address
Postal code for the registered
Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province,
Office address
Postal code for the office address 518053
Internet website of the Company www.konka.com
Email address szkonka@konka.com
II. For Contact
Company Secretary Securities Affairs Representative
Name Xiao Qing Wu Yongjun
Secretariat to the Board of Directors, Konka Group Co., Ltd., Overseas
Contact address
Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
Tel. 0755-26608866
Fax 0755-26600082
E-mail szkonka@konka.com
III. About information disclosure and where this report is placed
Newspapers designated by the Company for information
Securities Times, etc.
Internet website designated by CSRC for disclosing
this report
Secretariat to the Board of Directors, Konka Group Co.,
Where this report is placed Ltd., Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
Guangdong Province, China
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Business license Organizatio
Registration date Registration place code of
No. nal code
Shahe, Shenzhen,
1 Oct. 1980 Guangdong Province, GSQYS No. 190806 -
Overseas Chinese Town,
At the end of the Nanshan District,
29 Oct. 2011 440301501121863
reporting period Shenzhen, Guangdong
Province, China
Change of the Company’s main business
since listing (if any)
From incorporation till now, the controlling shareholder of the
Company has not changed, but its name has changed:
1. Initially, the Company was jointly incorporated by Guangdong
Overseas Chinese Enterprises Co., Ltd. and Hong Kong Ganghua
Electronic Enterprises Co., Ltd., with the two shareholders holding
a 51% and 49% stake respectively.
2. In 1986, Shenzhen S.E.Z. Overseas Chinese Town Economic
Development Corporation was incorporated. Upon approval of the
Changes of the controlling
relevant governmental department, the Company’s equity interests
shareholder (if any)
formerly held by Guangdong Overseas Chinese Enterprises Co., Ltd.
were transferred to Shenzhen S.E.Z. Overseas Chinese Town Economic
Development Corporation.
3. In 1996, Shenzhen S.E.Z. Overseas Chinese Town Economic
Development Corporation changed its name to “Overseas Chinese Town
Economic Development Corporation”.
4. In 1997, Overseas Chinese Town Economic Development Corporation
changed its name to “Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co.”.
IV. Change of the registered information
V. Other information
The CPAs firm hired by the Company:
Name RSM China Certified Public Accountants
8-9/F, Block A, International Enterprise Building, No. 35 Jinrong Street, Xicheng
Office address
District, Beijing, China
Signing accountants Liu Jianhua, Tang Qimei
Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the reporting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Financial consultant engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during
the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Section III. Accounting & Financial Highlights
I. Major accounting data and financial indicators
Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years
due to change of the accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
Increase or decrease
2012 2011 of this year over last
year (%)
Operating revenues (RMB
18,337,861,657.29 16,217,619,883.23 13.07% 17,111,454,066.34
Net profit attributable
to shareholders of the 45,829,234.02 24,972,838.12 83.52% 83,947,861.32
Company (RMB Yuan)
Net profit
attributable to
shareholders of the
-54,088,758.02 -111,552,447.73 51.51% 32,881,567.70
Company after
extraordinary gains and
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from
operating activities -359,244,914.58 -1,370,486,165.70 73.79% -432,799,347.02
(RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB
0.0381 0.0207 84.06% 0.0697
Diluted EPS (RMB
0.0381 0.0207 84.06% 0.0697
Weighted average ROE
1.14% 0.62% 0.52% 2.13%
Increase or decrease
As at 31 Dec. 2012 As at 31 Dec. 2011 of this year-end than As at 31 Dec. 2010
last year-end (%)
Total assets (RMB Yuan) 16,562,917,198.06 16,906,453,313.31 -2.03% 16,466,895,565.00
Net assets/owners’
equity attributable to
4,043,591,538.85 4,009,723,963.82 0.84% 3,998,647,232.73
shareholders of the
Company (RMB Yuan)
Did the share capital and the owners’ equity change due to new issue, additional
issue, share allotment, exercise of equity incentives, buy-back, etc. from the
period-end to the disclosure date of this report?
□ Yes √ No
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting
1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared
under international and Chinese accounting standards
Unit: RMB Yuan
Net profit attributable to shareholders of Net assets attributable to shareholders
the Company of the Company
2012 2011 Closing amount Opening amount
According to Chinese
45,829,234.02 24,972,838.12 4,043,591,538.85 4,009,723,963.82
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to
international accounting
2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared
under overseas and Chinese accounting standards
Unit: RMB Yuan
Net profit attributable to shareholders of Net assets attributable to shareholders
the Company of the Company
2012 2011 Closing amount Opening amount
According to Chinese
45,829,234.02 24,972,838.12 4,043,591,538.85 4,009,723,963.82
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
According to overseas
accounting standards
3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and
overseas accounting standards
No difference for 2012
III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
Unit: RMB Yuan
Items 2012 2011 2010 Notes
Gain/loss on the disposal of 6,267,350.97 50,838,279.57 14,450,464.04
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
non-current assets (including the
offset part of the asset impairment
Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions
due to approval beyond authority or the
lack of official approval documents
Government grants recognized in the
current period, except for those
acquired in the ordinary course of
79,452,692.05 41,725,984.17 26,116,883.06
business or granted at certain quotas
or amounts according to the
government’s unified standards
Capital occupation charges on
non-financial enterprises that are
recorded into current gains and losses
Gains due to that the investment costs
for the Company to obtain
subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures are lower than the enjoyable
fair value of the identifiable net
assets of the investees when making the
Gain/loss on non-monetary asset swap 71,191.44
Gain/loss on entrusting others with
investments or asset management
Asset impairment provisions due to
acts of God such as natural disasters
Gain/loss on debt restructuring
Expenses on business reorganization,
such as expenses on staff -20,163,356.00 0.00
arrangements, integration, etc.
Gain/loss on the part over the fair
value due to transactions with
distinctly unfair prices
Current gains and losses of subsidies
acquired from business combination
under the same control as from
period-begin to combination date
Gain/loss on contingent events
irrelevant to the Company’s normal
Gains and losses on change in fair
value from tradable financial assets
and tradable financial liabilities, as
well as investment income from
disposal of tradable financial assets 27,226,435.86 42,485,002.97 17,620,097.66
and tradable financial liabilities and
financial assets available for sales
except for effective hedging related
with normal businesses of the Company
Impairment provision reversal of
accounts receivable on which the
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
impairment test is carried out
Gain/loss on entrustment loans
Gain/loss on change of the fair value
of investing real estate of which the
subsequent measurement is carried out
adopting the fair value method
Effect on current gains/losses when a
one-off adjustment is made to current
gains/losses according to
requirements of taxation, accounting
and other relevant laws and
Custody fee income when entrusted with
Non-operating income and expense other
4,696,935.93 12,439,462.20 9,492,786.52
than the above
Other gain and loss items that meet the
definition of an extraordinary 37,723,217.44
Income tax effects -11,106,708.03 -25,328,935.86 -13,726,735.19
Minority interests effects (after tax) -6,689,906.18 -3,194,368.64 -2,887,202.47
Total 99,917,992.04 136,525,285.85 51,066,293.62 --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss
according to the definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary
Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the
said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□Applicable √ Inapplicable
Involved amount (RMB
Item Reason
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors
I. Overview
In 2012, the world economy remained weak. China’s economy maintained a rational growth,
but it still faced a grim test in macro-control. The household appliance industry
encountered great challenges from industry reform, IT development and intelligent
development caused by technology evolution. In such a macro background, according
to the requirements of increasing the supply chain speed, seizing channels, pushing
forward the quality product project and excellently carrying out the internet and
healthy household appliance strategies, the Company forged ahead by innovation and
input an all-out effort. As a result, it successfully accomplished all operating
objectives for the year and achieved a sustained and stable development.
In face of a complex operating environment in 2012, all business units of the Company
rose to various kinds of pressure and forged ahead by innovation. For the year, the
Company achieved sales revenues of RMB 18.338 billion, up 13.07% over last year,
representing a new high of the sales revenues. Meanwhile, all operating objectives
set at the beginning of the year were successfully accomplished. The net profit
attributable to owners of the Company recorded RMB 45,829,200, up 83.52% over last
year. And EPS stood at RMB 0.0381 per share.
In 2012, the Company made the following efforts in its operation and management:
(I) Special attention to technical innovation to promote business development
In 2012, the main management concept of every business is to optimize products layout
with technical innovation and to seize market share with products innovation. For
color TV, the Company has first invented the Android 4.0-based synchronous
intelligent cloud television before, and promoted two-channel intelligent television,
all-in-one machine, 4K2K ultra-high definition television, intelligent control, sync
wizard, touch-screen television and other differentiated products. For mobile phones,
by the platform of MYcloud, the Company has combined intelligent search application
experience for key enterprises on Internet and electronic commerce marketing to
occupy market of intelligent mobile phones. For consumer appliance, the Company has
centered on degradation of residues to divide market of healthy household appliances,
which establishes the leading position for health and improves the brand influences
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
and reputation. The digital network has integrated live star, which brings new phase
for development of live star. The video conferencing has achieved three technical
breakthroughs in reducing energy consumption of system, adjusting intelligent
dimming and dissipating heat for intelligent circulation. The household appliances
with innovative products for home life have improved market image for the Company.
(II) Adjustment of management and control mode to improve operation efficiency
To further clarify performance-oriented management concept and pay attention to
long-term sustainable development, the Company has integrated operation entities
into KPI evaluation system for some functions on the basis of annual KPI index system
and promoted internal transaction of independent management and sole responsibility
for profit and losses. Moreover, it is to improve service levels and operation
efficiency by improving personnel optimization and simplified professional
(III) Management improvement to strengthen quality
In accordance with requirements in Guidance to Management Improvement Activities for
Central Enterprises issued by SASAC, the Company organized management improvement
activities for development and leading panel and working teams. Also, it formulated
General Planning for Konka Group Management Improvement Activities to determine
responsibility system, regular conference system, monitoring system, and information
submission system to clarify fundamental management, improve modernization levels,
complete innovation system and perfect comprehensive performance to be general aims.
Meanwhile, in accordance with main tasks and contents in each phrase for the two-year
plan, the Company has formulated clear time nodes, detailed work arrangement, and
clarified activity schedules for content requirements. Nowadays, management
improvement activities have been promoted step by step.
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Meanwhile, in 2012, the Company had completed following efforts: to promote standard
activity for safe production of the third level, achieve no accident in the year and
improve safe production management levels; to complete future three-year strategies
for clear targets and plans; to start public welfare activities on the topic of caring
stay-at-home children; to diversify public welfare marketing; to strengthen capital
management and tax arrangement; and to seek capital support from all levels of
governments as well as financial benefits.
Furthermore, operation management, human resources, financial management, auditing
law works, party construction and enterprise culture have developed surrounding the
business center, which plays an important role for the sustainable development.
II. Main business analysis
(I) General
1. Due to following reasons, in the reporting period, main business income of the
Company has improve by 13.07% in the corresponding period.
(1)The Company adopts integration strategy of research, production, supply and
marketing for color TV. Following the concept of technical and production innovation,
the Company was guided by market occupation and production scale with adjustment of
marketing strategies, emerging channels for development, promotion activities and
maximum performance increase in recent years, which created maximum achievement for
color TV in history and improved the position in industry.
(2)Export business has promoted the speed project. When the all-in-one machine
appeared on the market, the Company had developed lead management and maintenance
work to ensure the stability of sales revenue and reasonable sales structure.
(3)Consumer appliance in the Company has put forward the healthy strategy at the
beginning of the year to determine differentiated product strategy by three business
platforms of domestic sales, export sale and original production to overcome gliding
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
industry trend, allow full play of potentials of capacity and sales network and reduce
product costs.
(4)Digital network, video conferencing and household appliances and other emerging
businesses have improved rapidly for better performance.
2. Due to following reasons, in the reporting period, net profits of the Company has
improve compared with that in the corresponding period of 2011.
(1)Color TV business, including 3D TV, intelligent TV, LED TV, has developed
differentiated products to improve product structure. The operation efficiency and
profitability have improved steadily compared that in the corresponding period of
(2)Export sales business has accelerated the speed project by improving current
product structure for better gross margin and profitability.
(3)Cost reduction of consumer appliances has achieved great results. The operation
efficiency and profitability have been improved.
(II) Development strategies in the pre-phrase before release and progress of
operation plans in the reporting period
1. Color TV
Guided by “market occupation and scale” in 2012, the Company would adjust the
marketing strategies for color TV to speed up emerging channels and develop promotion
activities for maximum performance, which breaks the development bottleneck.
( 1 ) Progressive up-gradation of product. Together with image up-gradation and
popularity of synchro cloud concept for synchro cloud TV, the Company has issued the
two channel television to occupy market and create sales miracle. Moreover, the
Company has first launched 84 inch 4k2k ultra-definition TV to upgrade product image.
The mobile cloud terminal of sync wizard launched in September, 2012 has achieved
comprehensive leap in technology position, product image and function experience.
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
( 2 ) Continuous breakthroughs in marketing. Activities of autograph of Olympic
champions and torch bearers, students of the Voice of China, humanized policies for
energy-saving helped the improvement and enhancement of performance index.
(3)Rapid promotion of distribution channel establishment. Facing the rapid reform
in channel, the Company has stabilized urban market, strengthened county channel,
promoted electronic business, planning and production and launched distribution
channel establishment of B2B and B2C.
(4)Remarkable effects in brand construction. Guided by synchronic cloud strategy,
operation concept of “Same wonders in different worlds”, and support of synchronic
platform, synchronic cloud terminal and synchronic manipulation, the cloud time has
strengthened the soft power of “same care” public welfare activities, improved brand
influence by bi-directional development and ranked top in the market of
differentiated products.
2. Export sales:
In 2012, under the background of severe competition and rising production costs,
export sales had promoted the speed project taking the opportunity of all-in-one
machine on market, which overcome all adverse factors for gliding performance. In
order to ensure increasing development in Latin America, Middle East, East Europe,
Africa, North America and other traditional areas, the Company has actively developed
and maintained all customers to guarantee stable export sales revenue and reasonable
sales structure and to improve risk control abilities.
3. Mobile phones:
On the basis of making breakthrough in operation and taking opportunity of rapid
development in intelligent mobile phones, the Company has strengthened the product
competition for W960 and W970 and issued Family Cloud strategy platform to achieve
interconnection among family terminals, information share, brand resetting, new
media marketing and MUSE introduction, transferring the hardware to the mode of
hardware + application + service.
4. Consumer appliance:
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
According to the health household appliances strategy put forward in the beginning
of the year, the Company has set differentiated product centered on heath appliance
to create efficient and stable domestic sales, export sales and original production
platforms, which overcome severe gliding industry trend, gave full play of potentials
of capacity and sales network and reduced product costs.
5. Emerging businesses:
In the report period, the Company has been developing market for emerging industries,
such as digital network, video conferencing and household appliance, to ensure stable
improvement of operational performance.
(III) State the reasons why the Company’s actual business performance is 20% lower
or higher than the earning forecast for the reporting period which has been publicly
disclosed earlier
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
(IV) Revenues
Major orders held:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s products or services during the
reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Major customers:
Total sales to the top 5 customers (RMB Yuan) 3,870,113,964.39
Ratio of the total sales to the top 5 customers
to the annual total sales (%)
(V) Costs
Classified by industry:
Unit: RMB Yuan
Proportion in
Industry Item in YoY +/- (%)
Amount Amount operating costs
14,348,909,508.79 96.09% 12,916,549,404.19 96.31% -0.22%
Labor cost 527,599,977.96 3.53% 438,575,644.80 3.27% 0.26%
Depreciatio 55,789,737.38 0.37% 56,974,180.28 0.42% -0.05%
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
Classified by product:
Unit: RMB Yuan
Proportion in
Product Proportion in YoY +/- (%)
Amount Amount operating costs
operating costs(%)
11,811,816,367.63 79.10% 10,548,621,462.46 78.65% 0.45%
1,217,298,414.04 8.15% 1,085,169,374.27 8.09% 0.06%
applianc 1,031,814,437.98 6.91% 1,033,014,718.40 7.70% -0.79%
Other 871,370,004.48 5.84% 745,293,674.14 5.56% 0.28%
Major suppliers:
Total purchases from the top 5 suppliers (RMB Yuan) 7,837,713,094.82
Ratio of the total purchases from the top 5 suppliers to the
annual total purchases(%)
(VI) Expense
(1) Sales expenses in 2012 recorded RMB 2,316,627,717.67, up 8.71% over last year,
which was mainly because of the new expenses on disposing useless appliances and
electronics and the increase of labor cost.
(2) Administrative expenses in 2012 recorded RMB 655,654,771.02, up 12.75% over last
year, which was mainly because the Company increased the R&D input.
(3) Financial expenses in 2012 recorded RMB 179,516,279.32, up 268.73% over last year,
which was mainly because the borrowing interest increased the exchange loss increased
due to exchange rate fluctuations.
(VII) R&D expenses
In the reporting period, the Company continued to enhance the R&D input and tried
to lay a solid foundation for it to carry out product differentiation through
constantly developing new products, studying new techniques, altering the existing
equipment and continuously enriching the product varieties and series. Meanwhile,
it constantly carried out technical innovation and rational suggestion to increase
the production efficiency, improve the core competitiveness and continue to keep a
leading position in the industry.
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
(VIII) Cash flows
Unit: RMB Yuan
Item 2012 2011 YoY +/-(%)
Subtotal of cash inflows from
18,510,554,120.60 16,781,755,502.70 10.3%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
18,869,799,035.18 18,152,241,668.40 3.95%
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
-359,244,914.58 -1,370,486,165.70 73.79%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
964,620,953.74 6,039,188.83 15,872.69%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
432,563,450.73 1,425,483,565.13 -69.65%
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
532,057,503.01 -1,419,444,376.30 -137.48%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
13,241,294,203.82 13,232,279,703.38 0.07%
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
13,227,320,418.72 10,352,051,378.90 27.77%
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
13,973,785.10 2,880,228,324.48 -99.51%
Net increase in cash and cash
177,592,118.67 76,926,056.69 130.86%
Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. Cash flows from operating activities increased 73.79% over last year mainly because
the sales scale, profitability and operating cash flows improved.
2. Investing cash inflows increased mainly because the short-term structural wealth
management deposits carried out last year were repaid with interest upon maturity
in the reporting period.
3. Investing cash outflows decreased because there were no new short-term structural
wealth management deposits in the reporting period.
4. Financing cash flows decreased because some short-term borrowings were repaid.
Reasons for a big difference between the operating cash flows and the net profit:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The Company sold its products mainly in the domestic market. But the most important
and valuable raw materials were imported. And the different conditions for payment
making and receiving caused a slow turnover of operating cash flows. The Company
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
adopted some short-term financing ways such as note endorsement and paying by overseas
parties on behalf of the Company to satisfy cash needed in operating activities. And
the financing business had an influence on the operating cash flows in the year.
III. Breakdown of main business
Unit: RMB Yuan
Increase/decr Increase/decre Increase/decre
ease of ase of ase of gross
Operating revenues Operating costs operating operating costs profit rate
revenues over over last year over last year
last year (%) (%) (%)
Classified by industry:
Electronics 18,189,759,356.68 14,932,299,224.13 17.91% 13.16% 11.33% 1.34%
Classified by product:
Color TVs 14,429,624,144.21 11,811,816,367.63 18.14% 13.5% 11.97% 1.11%
Cellphones 1,397,315,544.60 1,217,298,414.04 12.88% 9.96% 12.18% -1.72%
1,280,831,893.05 1,031,814,437.98 19.44% -0.85% -0.12% -0.59%
Other 1,081,987,774.82 871,370,004.48 19.47% 35.52% 16.92% 12.82%
Classified by region:
China 14,383,077,390.26 11,374,679,033.33 20.92% 15.97% 11.7% 3.02%
Other countries 3,806,681,966.42 3,557,620,190.80 6.54% 3.67% 10.2% -5.54%
Where the Company’s accounting standard of the main business data above changed during
the reporting period, give the main business data of the latest year adjusted
according to the accounting standard at the end of the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
IV. Asset and liability analysis
1. Major changes of asset items
Unit: RMB Yuan
As at 31 Dec. 2012 As at 31 Dec. 2011
Proportio Proportio Proportio
n in total n in total n change Explain any major change
Amount Amount
assets assets (%)
(%) (%)
Monetary 1,728,946,511.11 10.44% 2,701,892,431.70 15.98% -5.54% Short-term borrowings were
2012 Annual Report of Konka Group Co., Ltd.
funds repaid.
1,975,605,771.07 11.93% 1,893,039,292.61 11.2% 0.73%
More color TVs were sold and
a stock was prepared for the
peak season of the Spring
Festival, resulting in an
increase in inventories. In
Inventories 4,059,339,049.25 24.51% 2,829,591,759.41 16.74% 7.77% addition, some land
prepayments by Kunshan Konka
satisfied the conditions for
being transferred into
inventories (development
235,680,171.89 1.42% 241,105,035.18 1.43% 0%
real estate
Long-term A new investment in the joint
equity 472,423,533.19 2.85% 271,188,014.48 1.6% 1.25% venture Shanghai Konka Green
investment Technology Co., Ltd.
1,887,836,271.02 11.4% 1,779,259,823.65 10.52% 0.87%
Plants in the Tongchuang New
District, Anhui and the
50,682,893.85 0.31% 118,905,008.92 0.7% -0.4% module all-in-one machine
n in process
production line were
transferred to fixed assets.
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