洗钱 Money launching
权钱交易 deals between power and money
傍大款 flirt with a tycoon (magnate)
吊销执照 revoke a license
公款吃喝 dining and winning at public expense
追星族 celebrity worshipper
跳槽 job-hop, change one’s profession
扫黄 eliminate pornography
经济私有化 the privatization of economy
与国际接轨 be geared to international practice (norms)
福利分房 welfare-orented distribution of housing
住房商品化 commercialization of housing
按揭购房 buy an apartment on a mortgage
物业管理 estate management
南水北调 South-to-North diversion of water
西气东输 West-to-East piping of natural gas
解决温饱问题 provide adequate food and clothing
贫富悬殊 wide gap between the rich and the poor
解困基金 anti-poverty funds
消除两极化 eliminate polarization
礼仪小姐 ritual girls
哈哈镜 distorting mirrors
脱口秀 a talk show
时装表演 a fashion show
义演 a benefit performance
婚外恋 extramarital relations
试婚 trial marriage
早恋 puppy (cub) love
小皇帝 a little “emperor”
旅行结婚 a wedding tour, honey moon trip
隐性收入 invisible (side) income
民工 rural laborers in a city
打工妹 country girls working in a city
女强人 a (successful) career woman
民间外交 people-to-people diplomacy
拔尖创新人才 top-notch innovative personal
迷信和伪科学 superstition and pseudo-science
夕阳产业 sunset industry, declining traditional industry
钟点工 a casual worker paid on an hourly basis
试题库 an examination question bank
实职/虚职 a solid / nominal position
刷卡 swipe a magnetic card (on a magnetic card reading machine)
死机 (a computer) crash, stop working due to a program error or other factors
暗箱操作 underhand operation
顶风作案 commit a crime during the height of a crackdown on crimes
黑哨 corrupt referring
法定继承 statutory inheritance
仿生建筑 bionic architecture
丁克家族 a DINK (double income, no kids) family
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